Privacy Policy

At GPTPakistan, the privacy of our users is of utmost importance. This privacy policy outlines the types of personal information we collect and how we use it

1.       Information Collection:

We may collect personal information, such as name and email address, when users subscribe to our newsletter, comment on our posts, or contact us directly. We may also collect non-personal information, such as IP address and browser type.

2.       Use of Information:

We may use personal information to respond to user inquiries or send newsletters. We may also use non-personal information for analytics and site improvements.

3.       Cookies:

GPTPakistan uses cookies to enhance user experience and improve site performance. Users may disable cookies in their browser settings.

4.       Third-Party Links:

GPTPakistan may contain links to third-party websites, which have their own privacy policies. We are not responsible for the content or practices of these websites.

5.       Data Security:

We take reasonable measures to ensure the security of user data. However, we cannot guarantee the complete security of information transmitted over the internet

6.       Changes to Privacy Policy:

GPTPakistan may modify this privacy policy at any time without notice. By continuing to use the site, users agree to the modified privacy policy.

By using or accessing GPTPakistan, users agree to this privacy policy. If you do not agree, please refrain from using the site.

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